Yup, in a moment of sheer insanity, we went and bought a new house. We saw it on friday, put an offer in on sunday and got it yesterday. Its a 200sqm bigger plot than our existing place and a bigger house too.
Its a 1930's aussie place and not much has been done to it since the 30's by the looks of it, so we will be spending a lot of time with the hammer and chisel making the place right. This is a building out the back which we are going to use as a music studio.
And here is the lemon tree, we also have grapefruit, plum and peach
(i think, there was no fruit on the last two)
this is abrick bbq which we are going to convert into a pizza oven. The green construction in the background is a dunnie. the only thing missing is a bar, but we should be able to sort that out in a few months. All we need to do now is to sell our own place!!! Anyone interested?