HOT off the press, a few of the more random things i experienced today
I bought 10 bales of hay
(thats $85 bucks of cow munchies) as props/scenery for Janes dads 60th birthday party which is a western themed fancy dress party, so we are decking out the bar like a barn
(sans mooturd)
Found a backdoor shortcut to the place where I am doing my
war of the worlds gig, unfortunatly i forgot my ski's.
Climed to the peak of hamburger hill
(its a real hill with steps and altitude and everything) and had a 'kitchen sink', the burger that has it ALL, AND more. I think i may have found the antipodean successor of matie kiely's!
and, came across this sign at the rehersal this afternoon, a sign that all conductors should wear when giving involuntary double-downbeats.
Well, thats pretty much it for today, at home now, not at my usual friday gig on account of a late reheresal in the
dome, so kicking back in my comfy chair with the hounds, having a few beers, making 2 new batches of brew, should be ready in a fortnight, kegged two other beers which have been fermenting for two weeks
(twice as long as normal so theey should be eeexxttrraaaaaa nice) a stout called
ULLA (the call of the martians in the gig I am doing, its a nice robust stout, nice bitterness and about 4%) and a delightfull belgian wheat beer called 'Yellow Snow', you all know the winter rule 'never eat yellow snow', well this is a 9% cloudy beast of a beer and unles you have a few days free stay WELL away from this one.
Tarraa all, its been a nice week keeping the blog updated, i hope you all enjoyed it, i play here all week, dont forget to tip your waitress's, taxi for McCarthy........