Well blogfans, what can i say about this week. I broke my personal record for the amount of gigs done (again) at a grand total of 15, got all manner of new violin students at my schools, some newbies and some absolute mutant legends, and I managed to get a phonecall from
this guy (above) , Mr. Hank Marvin, guitar legend and inhabitant of Perth, looking to start a Django/Grapelli band and I got the call today at 3pm to see if i wanted to go in for a jam. Well, 5 students, 11kms and 2 hours later i was sitting in a room jamming with a guy who has been churning out gold records since the 60's, twas incredible. What else, on yeah, gone way over the halfway mark with saigon, 35 shows to go and still rockin. Also, got a hell of a paddies weekend ahead, get this, the place we are playing at is the same place I am doing my saigon show (burswood casino) at so on sunday I am 12-3 irish band, 5-8 saigon, 8-11 irish band right ourside the door of the theatre on an outdoor rig. huzzah
Anyhoo, at home now, just back from the show beer in hand, Axel Foley wise-talking his way around beverly hills on the telly, Jane and the lads just entered the bar so signing off for now. Sorry for the lack of updates lately, as soon as this weekend is done i will catch up on the backlog of photos.
Later dudes