Hello blogfans. Been another hectic week of music and fun. A few gigs here and there, got booked to do some outlandish contemporary music stuff at the end of the month and we demolished our fence and put up a pure fancy new postbox. Our wh
ite picket fence was infested with white ants (who eat wood from the inside out till it desintegrates) so it had to go. I had great fun tearing the fence down, it was like a mr. bean sketch. It was raining and i was between gigs, we had a skip which was being collected the following morning so i put on a hat and gloves and went for it. I pulled off the first two pretty easily so decided it was time to increase my productivity and try kicking the pickets down, so i took aim at the picket at the far left, big kick, it stayed put, but about 10 pickets at the far other side of the fence went flying onto the road, a kinda 'slam the door and the boot opens' scenario....well twas hilarious at the time.

Second on todays amazing update is this bunch of beers that Jane picked up for me at a
fancy beer shop near our place. Look at that bottle on the far left, its in the shape of buddha. They were all pretty good, a really nice honey wheat beer and a puerto rican ale, but none were equal to my most recent stout, which has been named ambrosia (not the rice pudding, but the drink of the gods)

For the first time ever, i have two stouts on tap. Both are my best recepies, and both are pretty good, but we 'pepsi challenged' them simultaneously the other night and the one on the left won hands down. I even dropped a pint of it up to our neighbour 2 doors away, Liam from Offaly, who has been regaling to his buddes for about a year of how his neighbour, a cork lad, has improved on guinness. Well, one sip of the good stuff last thursday night and Liam was convinvced, so much so that he had to come round for a few refills. Below we can see the two lines, both loaded with a bounty of the black stuff ready to serve.

Well, thats about all for this week, sorry for the lack of updates this month, been really busy and away from the computer for days at a time. School holidays are coming up in a few weeks so regular service shall resume soon. Signing off for now, this is Perth correspondant Charlie Mc Carthy, weather and sport is up after the break, the time os 9:52.