So, after much waiting and deliberating over the benifits of having a second car or not, i went out yesterday and got myself an electric fold up bike from
these guys.

It has a range of about 50kms on a single charge, top unassisted speed of 25kph, and i clocked 35kph on the way into work this morning without too much effort. the important thing to remember about this is that its a commuting alternative, not an exercise alternative, although saying that, I probably will do more cycling on this bike than my normal one as this will give me a greater range. I can cycle all the way to freo unassisted then get a bit of help with the hills on the way back if i'm wrecked.

Here it is all folded up. It weighs 18kilos and you could fit about 3 of these in the back of a small hatchback easily. It has 3 locomotive modes. Unassisted, so just like a normal bike, six gears. Assisted, where its like being on a tandem going downhill with the wind and Lance Armstrong in the back seat giving it welly, the motor kicks in when your speed drops below 25kph and then the last mode, which is sheer bliss, where you just crank the handle and whizz along just like a scooter. You can switch between any of the drive modes at will, instantly, this morning, I cut my travel time in half by using the power for going uphills

So, i owned it for about 20 mins, and you know it, out came the duct tape (and the beer)

I covered up all that shiny writing with duct tape so now it looks sleek like Knight Rider