Right. It happend like this. We were all eating dinner, having a few drinks, it was warm so I opened the back door and a MONSTER of a moth flew in. We did all the tricks, turning on and off lights to draw him to the back door, waving towels in his general direction, trying to catch it in our hands etc. (as the girls did not want it harmed) After about 10 mins of ineffectual lepidoptery, i decided to go get my fly gun. walked out to the bar, had a sip of my stout, walked back into the kitchen, bear in mind the lights were still off, and all in the space of a nanosecond saw him flying towards me and shot him mid-air right between the eyes. He was mildly stunned so Liam put him back outside. I stood motionless with the 'did anybody else see THAT?!?!?!?' look on my face, Liam came back in, gave me a high 5 then we went back and had desert.
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