There are a lot of new dining and culinary experiences out here on the sub-continent, this is one of the many odd types of crisps that I have experienced. Odd name but not a bad aftertaste. Apparently there are a few shops selling Tayto's but its about AUS$8 a bag (still tempting though). All the crisps over here are a bit weird though. So are the chocolates, there is a preservative in them which prevents them from melting on the shelves, makes everything taste a bit powdery. Even the Cadburys chocolates here are weird. So, anyone visiting in the future, you know what to pack:
(Any combination of the following)
12 pack chipsticks (or 2 x 6 packs)
6 pack monster munch (the original one, not the new "mega munch: immitations)
12 pack mega meanies
6 pack tayto cheese & onion
4 large bourneville bars
Assorted Barrys tea's (to be used as currency over here when the irish community takes over)
Proper Whisky (Jameson or Powers, not fussy)
Party pack of fun size mars bars and twixes etc

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