Here we are on Steves boat sailing into the dawn (very poetic). There were 4 of us out for the day. Adam, me, Steve (Adams mate who is responsible for our introduction to homebrew keggery and also knows all the best spots for fishing around Perth) and his buddy Dean, a keen and experienced fisherman with many a scar and tale to tell (imagine a young, amateur Steve irwin)

Here is me with my first catch of the day, yeah yeah yeah I know, its small, but you should have seen the one that got away!!! We saw a few stingrays out there too, we stayed well away from them!

Here is Steves boat and all the gear (rods and stuff) ready to be hosed down after a long days fishing. We were out there for a few hours from 6am until lunchtime. We only were allowed 20 mins for the abalone (see post below) and then spent the rest of the time fishing with rods and the lads went diving for Razorfish again.

Here are some more of the fish we cought, Dean took all these to use as bait for when he is up north catching bigger fish. I had a funny chat with Dean on the boat, it was one of those "you had to be there" things, but ill do my best to describe it to you.
Dean was going forward to the bow of the boat to drop anchor and gashed his leg pretty badly on the window, we were sitting facing eachother on the boat and I commented "thats looks pretty nasty, but its a clean cut so will heal up pretty quick, but youll have a scar like this one", I pointed to a small scar on my right knee where I had dropped half of a broken place and the pointy end stuck into my leg. Thus began "Scarwars" and Dean went on in detail and much to the amusement of the other lads, to describe his chainsaw wound on his other leg, the time he was stabbed with a thrown scisors on his arm and many other impressive injuries. I didnt even go in to describing where I have a scar from a hot waterbottle on my leg, I should have opened with that one and saved the crockery wound till last really.

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