Happy Australia Day everyone
What a weekend.
Friday: woke up, went to the beach for the day (see photo of Jane and Reilly swimming in shark infested waters) and had a duo gig that night to a pub of 5 people, it was actually pretty good, we got away with a lot of messing we would ordinarily not do. At one stage I was accompanying Adam (guitar & singer) on the violin, playing the tambourine with my right foot and doing a whistle solo of the tune on the mic, got a clap for that one!
Saturday: Woke up, went to the brew shop, got some supplies for the homebrew to avoid the inevitable drought due to not brewing over Christmas, then popped round to Adams house as he claimed that his latest brew on tap tasted like Guinness…..verdict: It tasted BETTER, he has mastered the 150 year old recepie and made it better. Its incredible stuff. Had a few of them, then went to the park with Reilly, got home had a nap then went out to a Chinese resteraunt with a few friends, then went back to their place (just down the road from our place) and drank vodka (sensibly) till 4am!
Sunday: Woke up, viewed a house, rented a few films, spent the day in the air-conditioned cinema room and finally went out for another meal with cocktails last night.
The temperature rarely dropped below 30 all week and was a consistent 40+ for most of the daylight hours. I got mildly burned by the COLD water tap yesterday. The only way you can have a refreshing cool drink of water is to leave the glass in the fridge for a few hours AND this 40+ temperature isn’t doing any favors to my homebrewing either, but other than that it is fantastic weather.
Hope all is well with you guys, I am going to post up a few more pictures later on today as I find them on my phone.
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