We all took off to the dog beach on sunday to take Fionn out for a play with other dogs and he went mental, he was really excited by the hundreds of dogs there and got a bit overwhelmed. Here is Fin going for his first dip in the sea.

And here he is afterwards playing with his pet dog

This was one of our gigs on sunday, what a laugh. It was an itish day out, gaa games, face painting, irish dancers and us (set up under that gazeeeeeeebo). We were playing DURING a game, the game took place behind us as the crowd looked on, as you can imagine the interest in our performance was about zero. Hilarious gig. THEN the gazeeeeeebo blew away and an acid fueled boozed up rave DJ came to the rescue and explained in great detail exactly how hard it was to fix this gazeeeeeeeeebo and that there was no way we could do it, so about 30 seconds later, once we had it fixed, we waited till he moved off and had a great big laugh. Har dee har har.

And our last gig for the weekend happened here, the Irish Club in Subiaco. Its a nice place, really laid back gig with a few scoops thrown in too.
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