This is an old book case which we found at the side of the road a kilometre away from the house, Adam and me transported it back to our house on the roof of the hooner (my mazda 121) by holding onto it from the inside, much to the amusement of the citizens of bedford

And here it is resting on two doors for support (also side of road booty) and the doors in turn rest on 5 old chairs (with the back rests removed) that i got from a guy last year for free (they were going to be let on the side of the road, Adam found another dvd player on the side of the road this morning. Its fantastic)

So then i wrapped it in black sheeting, put down some hessian sheeting to contain the earth, drilled feckloads of holes in the bottom for dtainage, nailed on some trellessing that i took off the wall behind our shed and filled the thing with potting mix (Yes, that is a clawfoot bathtub next to the veggie patch, we use it as a drinks holder at parties)

And here is my first plant, some spinach and herbs, cucumbers, carrots and onions. Appart from the soil, seeds and that black plastic weave stuff, a grand total of $0. Huzzah.
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