Forget what you may know about it, erase all images of Tom Snooze's film from your memory, THIS is how Wells' storey should be told. This is the live stage version, complete with 30 foot martian invasion robot,the worlds first 3D hologram and Australias most jammy viola player. It gets better: the show is starting its oz tour here so its mainly tech rehersals (lights, pyro's, stage ques etc.) and 1 gig. Thats 7 rehersals which should mainly consist of reading my book and inventing witty show related limericks which i shall distribute amongst the other 40 string players, and then 1 gig on the saturday which i may or may not tune for, depending on the mood. They are then getting rid of the locals and drafting an entire new band again (minus principles) once they go east. Its a tough life.....
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