Do you want to get paid to hang out in the sun for 3 months?
Do you like free beer?
Do you play the viola/fiddle/whistle/flute/mandolin/guitar/lute/jazz fusion bassoon/harmonica/bolivian nose flute?
Do you want to play 6-10 gigs a week in the most remote city on the planet?
Do you REALLY like free beer?
Do you have naurally green curly hair?
Do you have trouble getting past the first free beer line?
If so, then have I got a deal for you!!!!!
Basically, on account of this Miss Saigon gig, i have to dep out all my other work, which i just worked out is about 7k's worth of giggery (classical and folk) between late feb - mid april. So if any of you guys in Ireland want to come over here and gig away for a few months in 30 degree utopian bliss, then get on the next plane! I am accepting auditions from anybody who plays a melodic instrument and can riff, lick, hook, tag (generally provide a a harmonic framework) and vamp like Tom Leherer on speed. I am an equal opportunity employer and will put you up in a nice green tent (thank you Niamh McCauliffe's brother) and supply you with infinite beer and BBQ roo. I think the tickets for this time of year are about 800 yoyos and the visa costs about 50 bucks.
Applications to charliecharlie at (substitute at for @, web-bugs etc yada yada yada)
What are you waiting for?
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