Check this out, its Adam with a pallet of grass, and below we see him modeling his new lawn around the side of his house, (note outdoor kegerator to the right)

This has inspired us to fix up our front garden, i kinda killed it a few months back. It was getting kinda overgrown and we dont have a lawnmower so we hired the local mowing dude to have a whack at it, he did a grand job then recomended that we feed'n'weed it before his next visit, so off i went to the local DIY store, picked up a 4 litre container of the good stuff and went nuts, sprayed it everywhere, then i read the side of the bottle "do not use on buffalo grass", sure what are the odds of me having buffalo grass, thinking that there are loads of different types, well, there are 3 types of grass in australia and yup, you guessed it, i had the buffalo. So its been about 6 months and now that the winter is coming there should be some rain to help the ol garden get back to its former splendour.
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