Today, I got dressed in a hurry, in the dark and this was the result. I had 14 lessons,and one lunch in the staff room and the only person who noticed was a 7 year old student who was also wearing odd socks.

One of my kids forgot his music today (its the end of term today so I reckon he forgot it on purpose so he would get away with not playing it) so luckily for him I have the entire suzuki catalogue scanned into my laptop.

One search for a sturdy enough music stand later and taaadaaah, here we are learning the bach double.

da da da dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah da da dah dah, the student was not impressed by my innovative approach.
1 comment:
Serious mental preparation needed for the upcoming trip to Charlieland!
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