Here is the dryer in the laundry room/brewery, note pure fancy new shiny pipe out the back.

And here is the view from one of the side windows, hose protruding neatly from the gap on top of the window. (is that how you spell protruding?)

Here it is inside, a bit less conspicous than i had imagined (conspicious? my spelling is terrribel ;) )

And my favourite bit, which i used instead of all the fancy cable ties and plastic attachment yokes.......holding it all together perfectly.......DUCT TAPE. My motto is, if something cant be fixed up with duct tape, then it can not be fixed. I use this stuff ALL the time, in tribute to this guy, especially the good stuff, that cloth duct tape, how handy is that?!?!?
Just to tidy up this blogette, DUCT tape, sounds like DUCK tape, which is an alternative to Turkey Glue (see the title). Funny? you decide. Now over to you bob for sports and weather...........
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