I did a 3 hours solo violin gig to a private party of 16 people last night in a pure fancy hotel in the heart of perth city. Abba, mozart, ACDC, A.L. Webber, irish folk, gypsy airs, i played it all. My biggest shock was when the host stood up and announced that I would play his favourite song "Dark eyes", I excused myself to the loo upon which i promptly googled the song on my nokia n95 8gig, found a recording by the red army choir on youtube and returned 5 mins later with the song memorised and performed it al gusto at the head of the table. I was straight out of a film, people were requesting everything, so to keep them entertained at one stage I medley'd them all together as they called them, old man river- the adams family (complete with the click click) - nessun dorma - danny boy - and finished with the simpsons theme. I wish i recorded it!
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