I made two low-carb beers a while back and they went on tap last night. A sparkling ale and a wheat beer. They taste great and have zero carbs, and because its homebrew its got no opther chemicals either, its now a healthy, tasty, 4.1% DIET beer. Huzzazaaah! Fittness never tasted so good!

David Gray is still doing a mean trade in mainstream consumer products over here.

And check out this sunset from the other night, sunset here takes about 15 mins so you can see the all colours changing pretty fast (relatively speaking of course) as you sit out and enjoy a cool low-carb beeer

And check this out. We have a creeping plant (sounds spooky) which is growing around our gazeeeeebo out the back of the house. It has been doing really well lately and as these strands shoot out I hook them around a wire for support. This one did it by itself and check out the shape of it! Only in a musicians house.......
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