Would you believe it! Some bunch of idiot vandals blew up our postbox last thursday night! It was 11pm. I was asleep, Jane said she heard a big bang as if something hit our window so I went out for a look, saw nothing and went back to bed. Following morning as I looked out the window I saw this pile of wood at the foot of where our postbox used to be. The roof was at the base of the post, the front bit with the numbers on was in Rays garden across the road and the back end was in the flower bed up by the house.

Here is the explosive, the police said it was the next one up from a firecracker, a thundercracker or something like that.

I am expecting a lot of mail at the moment, ebay purchases etc. so I quickly made a replacement postbox out of a cardboard box and duct-taped the number to the top. It worked, 30 minis later the postman posted mail in it.

Here is the substitute box again doing and admirable job of receiving bills and party invites.
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