Here are my two gig-bags, the decepticon, naturally, is the electric viola

Here is my small pedalboard with new starfleet insignia, makes me feel like every gig is an away mission, best not wear the red-shirt!

And finally my manbag. A manbag is far more than just a purse, it is a multi-functional and stylish bag with one strap, as worn by Indiana Jones and most pirates. Its important to have it as plain as possible so that it blends in with your attire and doesnt get mistaken for a handbag. I use it in the summer here when its too hot to wear anything with pockets. On a regular excursion it can contain a wallet, camera, bottle of water, harmonica, portable bluetooth fold up keyboard, spork, pen, leatherman tool, tin whistle, earphones, keys and when the occasion suits, the sacred Sivalinga stone KALI MAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Well anyway, I upgraded my manbag the other day with the insignia of the republic commando units from star wars. Pretty cooooooooooooooooool

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