Jane and Hugh and I took off yesterday to a place 150kms north of perth on the coast and stayed with Adam, Nadine and Finn and our friends Steve, Renee and kids Austin and Osca. We had a great time, drove on the beach on a 4x4, had a lovely BBQ and met their pet kangaroo. This picture is of a rare wee dragon, spikey tail and all.

And here is that Kangaroo, goes by the name of Roo-by. Steve (the guy who takes us fishing) is a ranger for a national park and has to keep the place relatively pest and weed free and cull feral animals, goats, rabits, foxes. He came across this lone wee joey on his travels and it now lives with them. It even has its own pouch.

Here is Hugh as a surrogate roo mother.

And here is Fin playing with Rooby
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