Inspired by my experience up in the clouds and on the advice of my good friend (Violinist, Guitarist, Technology Guru, Pilot, Mechanic, Biker and Chancer Extraordinare ) Owen Kelly I forked out a few quid for the latest flight simulator, Microsoft Flight Sim 10.

Its not just like the real thing, it pretty much IS the real thing. The cockpit of each plane is identical to its real-life counterpart, and after much searching i did not find the "wings stay on/wings fall off" button i have heard about. Within minutes of installing it I was flying a microlight around cork airport, then i took a boeing over the pyramids. When you are playing online you can experiece weather from real-time weather forecasts and everything, and if thats not enough you can download new planes, and even some space ships, my plan is to land the deathstar in shannon airport.

Here is an external screenshot, so if the game gets a bit boring on a flight from Perth to Vegas, you can check out the scenery.

And to make the affair more involving, and as soon as we build another room onto the house, it can look like this. Also, to really add a sence of realism to the whole experience is to learn a few russian phrases and fly around moscow, joystick in one hand and bottle of vodka in the other, he he he.
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