This is a Roomba. It is a robotic vacume cleaner. Check the wiki here. It is a robot who scoots around your house, cleaning as he goes. Here is a youtube clip of him cleaning up our bar. It was a wedding present from Margaret and Hugh and it is the best thing since the discovery of beer. It is great fun to watch as he negotiates obstacles around the kitchen such as chairs and dogs. Below is a long exposure of a roomba doing its thing. As you can see it just randomly bounces around teh room until everything is clean. Of course you knwo that this is how it all starts, the whole robot slavery thing. It is not long until the robotic uprising...

When the uprising comes, the first wave of hostile robots may be those closest to us. Be careful, your rosy-cheeked young servant robot may have grown up to become a sullen, distrustful killing machine. STAY ALERT. Pay attention to your robotic staff (they may be beneath your contempt as well as beneath your eye level). Watch for the following telltale signs in the days and weeks before your robots run amuck:
Sudden lack of interest in menial labor.
Unexplained disappearances.
Unwillingness to be shut down.
Repetitive 'stabbing' movements.
Constant talk of human killing.
Of course it's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will destroy all humans or merely enslave us. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the robots will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new robotic overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted tech enthusiast, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground silicon caves.
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