This mirror is located right in front of the front door so it is the last thing we see before we leave the house, for those of you who have seen zoolander, then you will know how reassuring it is to gaze upon such a reflection as you face the day ahead, safe in the knowledge that you are really really ridiculously good looking.

This is Finn Morris's shelf of fun. Finn arrived on earth about 14 months ago and is a happy go lucky fun loving dude who could teach us all a thing or two about how to run full speeed into the side of a table and make it look like you meant it. We have gradually accumulated a selection of toys for when he visits so we felt it was time for him to have his own shelf (currently laden with toys and his favourite books) here in our house. Also usefull when he reaches college years and needs somewhere to crash.

For our next section, over to you Charlie, our reporter in the field: Well, as you know I am a keen homebrewer, so on this months menu is "Aris", with a fada over the i but i cant find it coz im just back from a gig and its 2am and im slightly tipsy. When i name my beers it us usually in reference to something that happened that day, or a particularly wierd gig i did recently or attributes to the ingredients, so all my names usually come from events BEFORE the beer is ready, so this time i decided to make amends, and actually taste it before I drank it. So, picture the scene, I sat down in my bar, glass of un-named stout in one hand, selection of fancy coloured markers in the other, and had a taste. 'hmmmmmmm', i thought to myself "cant quite nail this one", another sip, "hmmmm hmmmmmmm, interesting taste, another sip "pretty good, nice texture, light bitterness, medium carbonation", another sip, then the glass was empty, so i topped it up again and immediatly called it ARIS which for our international readers is celtic/irish/gaeilge for 'again'.
The other beer, has a picture of a rocket on it, yes i used the same "taste it then name it" methodology, and i believe NASA left a message on the machine yesterday asking of I can leave some left over to fuel their next apollo mission to the moon.

And last picture from this exciting episode of HOUSE-CAM is the "whats on top of charlies bar fridge". So in no particular order, as its now 2:17am and i am 17 mins more tipsy that I was earlier (rocket, say no more) , we can see my CD player, with flat panel speakers and sub, a box of matches, a torch, a selection of pens and stationary tools, one of my pocket-PC's loaded with 2 gigs worth of tunes, a glass of that rocket stuff and of course my stolen 'brrrrriillllllliant' guinness bar mat.
Well there you go, another incredibly interesting episode of HOUSE-CAM.
Tune in next week for more raaaaaaaaandom adventures in my house.
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