I like cycling, its a fact, i have been cycling for years and find it an efficient/cheap an dhealthy form of transport. So today for my bike i got a baby seat, for the Finn man, it al looks good except I am having some second thoughts about the big red honker horn i got attched to his handle bars...

And here are two of my beers, in regulation bottles, about to be shipped off to the Western Australian beer competition. i dont expect to win and these beer were both experimental, but it will be interesting to get an experts review of my work. the last competition i entered i think was Feis Mathiu 2001 viola concert competition, which i won, and didnt even play a concerto, 5 mins before the show I penciled in "mov1", "mov2", and "mov3", above some contrasting parts of the song and managed to pull the wool over the adjuticators eyes monentarily. hahahhaaha.
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