Ok. Some of you know this story, some of you don't. Here it is, its official. We are the worst neighbours ever.
Many of you know the name Kong and associate it with a larger than average gorilla, capable of climbing huge buildings, wrestling dinosaurs and generally being grumpy on account of never being able to find a banana big enough. Well, this is so. Kong is also the name of a dog toy.
It is a reinforced rubber
dog toy, which you can fit treats into and the dogs spend a bit of time chewing them and getting the food out. We find these things really usefull as the dogs chew these and not our shoes/furniture/clothes/chairs etc.
Here we see Fionn thoroughly engrossed with his Kong. Now, occasionally we have been known to shout out things like "Fionn, wheres the kong, wheres the kong, go get the kong, did you loose the kong, go get it go get it go get it gogogogogogo eat the kong, get the kong, Reilly did you bury your kong, dig the kong dig the kong, wheres the kong? eat the kong get it get it get it kong kong kong" etc. you get the idea. Weeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllll this was going well for about 2 years. One day a letter for our back-door neighbours ended up in our letterbox by accident. Our block is sub-divided so we have a neighbour about 2 meters behind us, with their own side passage entrance(see the blog below of the gazeebo, thats his house). We always thought we lived in front of a family of chinese people called the WONGS, oooh nooo noo no, you guessed it, its actually the KONGS.
Here is another chinese person looking suitably miffed about his Irish neighbours (and its a blatent crack to get
Andy Lau on my blog). We moved in here about 2 years ago and had a house warming about a month later once we settled in. We invited all the neighbors, Liam, Derrick, Wayne etc. and have had them all over since for several parties etc, except the Wongs/Kongs they have always been sort of hesitant/scared of us for some reason. Its because they think we have been training our dogs to eat them. :-0
I often put myself in their place, with them training their dogs to eat the mccarthy, get the mccarthy etc. On a few occasions i have sat in my bar after a beer,kong toy in hand, rationally contemplating to go around the back and explain the whole debacle to Mr.Kong (first name Kinh, i kid you not) but each time i can just picture myself bursting into hilarity as i hold a rubber dog toy and relate his familys inate fear of dogs, specifically my dogs, to a simple co-incidence of names. Whenever they come out the front to get their post or bins they always do it pretty fast. Being asian and only recently moved here from suburban asia, they wouldnt have had much experience with domestic pets so its understandable for them to have some sort of trepidation when it comes to canines, but for them to hear their drunken irish neighbors actively training their dogs to get the kong,eat the kong, bury the kong, thats just out there man, you couldn't write that stuff.
So there you go, the Kong debacle. If anyone would like to comment on this and offer advice/state their amusement/scold me on my manic pseudo-racist treatment of my neighbors then please click the link below.
Get the kong.