I went and shaved myself a great big novelty german moustache for the oktoberfest fancy dress party (come dressed as your favourite german, oliver came as a certain german dictator). Here is me with Anna. Look at that chin! I forgot i even had one. NOBODY in australia has seen me without a beard. So once the shock factor of that strategic shave wore off half way through the party i went one step further and gave myself the chopper reed look...

How wierd do i look now?!?!? Imagine my shock as i admired myself in the mirror this morning and was greeted with that visage! i was teaching about 30 mins later so i had to shave the rest of it off, for the first time in 6, nearly 7 years i can feel the breeze on my lower face area, and i have to tell ya its really disconcerting going to think about something and do my trademark stroke of the ol'beard and find a bare chin!

Compare that clean shaven feen with this happy, delighted to be hairy, bearded feen below.
As of 1 hour ago i am back on full hair growing mode!
Interesting to note that Chopper had a son called 'Charlie'!
quality beard bro
quality beard action bro
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