Remember the wipplestix? Well, the last few times I took it to gigs I got heaps of wierd looks, as it kinda looks like a bazooka, and the top where I padded it out with sponge doesnt help make it look less like some sort of weapon.

So i decided to do it up with black duct-tape, and even made a handel (which also stops it rolling off tables). And on another note, this blog entry I did entirely from my phone running on SOLAR POWER! Yup, that black box with the wire is my new portable solar charger.

You just unfold it, leave it in the back garden all day then charge up anything you like with it. My phone, watch and bluetooth headpiece are now all running "off the grid". Its a small start but its a good one. It will also charge up cameras, portable DVD players and some notebook PC's.

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