The show has opened, dah da da da daa daa daa daaaaaaaaaaa.
I have figured it out, its all about where your head is at, as a musical its incredibly hard to deal with, but if you consider it an opera and shift your brain up a few gears its a little bit easier to deal with. You have to count every single beat, i was expecting to read a few books and do some crosswords during this show and perhaps circulate a few suggestive limericks about the cast during the extensive dialogue scenes between musical numbers, but nooooooo, this show is continuously sung, no breaks, which is good, coz once you get the downbeat, next thing you know its the interval and you are in serious need of a beer! The above photo is from my view of movement 2 "dreamland".

All in accordance with my renewed interest in
aviation this is my viola "cockpit". I'll take a better photo on Tuesday, but here you can see my case is on a chair under my stand which is a useful basetable to put my viola, my phone (in case i get a text about a gig) my laptop (so I can blog to you LIVE from the pit) and perhaps some water and a packet of
tim tams. Oh, i have figured out how to be a better viola player..................................MORE ROSIN!

And last but not least on this sundays night of bloggery is a photo of my settup as i spoke to
mick hally tonight on my new
laptop on
skype. Mick brought up the issue of the new black look of the site and found it depressing, and made the point that the new look black blog
"energy saving background" would save as much energy annually as it would take to illuminate my loo for 1 minute, so welcome back to the new/old look white shiny violacharlie site!
Also, a big hello to a fan of the site Keith Pascoe, conductor, violinist and general legend. Great to
hear from you Keith, I like your quote "never refuse champagne", i follow that rule constantly also and am considering it the title of my future biography. Heres one of mine for your quote page: "nothing is difficult, it's just new", which is how i manage to deal with my new life as a professional viola-stuntman-bluffer with 71 students and 9 gigs a week 'till may, which basically means i'll be wearing the same pair of shoes for 3 months straight. Being a musican rocks!
Tune in next week for more Stories from the Pit, some pictures of amusing aussie road signs, and if your lucky (and i can figure it out) a video of me playing one of my many solo's in the show. Adieu bloggers, till next time.